Out on my bike in the autumn sun. Needless to say some wally in a 4x4 drove past me within 6 inches of my arm on a wide road with no other traffic!
To be fair, groups of cyclists are recommended to ride side-by-side in the highway code (Rule 66). It makes for a shorter overtake than if they were in single-file, it also discourages drivers from trying to squeeze past when there isn't sufficient space.ride 3 and 4 abreast etc.
Oh there you go then, rule 66 will sort it all out. Let's hope they start following that one at least.To be fair, groups of cyclists are recommended to ride side-by-side in the highway code (Rule 66). It makes for a shorter overtake than if they were in single-file, it also discourages drivers from trying to squeeze past when there isn't sufficient space.
The wording specifically mentions riding two abreast, although if 3-4 cyclists are comfortable and competent to ride side by side without crossing into the other lane, I don't see the problem, if anything they are further shortening the length of the pack you're going to overtake. Be grateful
The Highway Code - Rules for cyclists (59 to 82) - Guidance - GOV.UK
Rules for cyclists, including an overview, road junctions, roundabouts and crossing the road.www.gov.uk
Yep. And bad cyclists can be the cause ot an accident.Not a case of being in the right, as I've said there are bad cyclists and bad drivers, but bad cyclists can be irresponsible whereas bad drivers can kill people!
At least it wasn't this bloke...Out on my bike in the autumn sun. Needless to say some wally in a 4x4 drove past me within 6 inches of my arm on a wide road with no other traffic! View attachment 322561
Ive seen both flavors, lots of fitness nuts around here, lots of cycle lanes too, If only the cyclist and the motorists would pay any attention to them. either or both can be idiots, but the cyclist always comes out worst sadly. There is a cyclists forum you know, that has an I am not a robot captcha, asking click all the squares with traffic lights.. It,s a pretty lonely place, only half a dozen members.Don't be giving people ideas Shaun.