Welcome aboard the Forum, you have arrived at the best resource for all things Z.
Best ask our resident Z Breakers if they have an intact door card in the same colour as yours and use that if they have one.
@spurs fan in a coupe usually comes up with what you need.
Add your location and car details, engine size, colour and interior trim colour to your user details or make them into a signature so they appear in all of your posts, its useful for us to know what you have and where you are when answering your questions. You may also have members near you who can offer assistance if needed.
If your not sutre of the spec your car left the factory with you can do a Vin Decoder online which will give you details of your actual car. Just put in your 17 digit and letters of your cars Vin Number.
BMW VIN decoder will check your BMW VIN and show you full vehicle specification