Yesterday I decided to take my Z3 for its first drive of the year and it was gleaming after a good wash and wax and noticed after having a flat battery while it's been in hibernation that the SRS light was stuck on ( but it might of been set off by a passenger sitting in the passenger seat) so I plugged in my cheap draper code reader on the car but it's not picking up a code so I can't reset the light.
I just wondered if anyone had advice on a good cheap BMW code reader. I do have a Bmw diagnostic disk set and lead I bought off eBay but being a complete computer novice I can't get them to install on my laptop and would prefer something that would work straight out the box.
I just wondered if anyone had advice on a good cheap BMW code reader. I do have a Bmw diagnostic disk set and lead I bought off eBay but being a complete computer novice I can't get them to install on my laptop and would prefer something that would work straight out the box.