I bought a Next Base 312 yesterday and fitted it this morning. It took about an hour to hard wire it in.
Removed the glovebox and fed one end of the power lead through the bulkhead via an existing grommet, very close to the fusebox. There are plenty of earth points behind the glovebox too so easy peasy.
Then removed the lefthand windscreen pillar trim and fed the other end of the power lead up behind the dash, coming through at the pillar trim.
Pull enough lead through to go around the edge of the windscreen to the rear view mirror.
Replace the pillar trim.
Replace the glovebox.
Conceal the powerlead behind the top windscreen trim. The gap is slightly bigger than the diameter of the power lead so wrapped some insulating tape around the lead to make it a snug fit.
Fit the camera mount to the windscreen and connect to the power lead.
Now just need to fix the powerlead into the fusebox.
The hardwire kit powerlead comes with a double spade fuse, just like the standard ones in the Zed fusebox, except it also has a "piggy back" fuse holder.
Remove a 5amp fuse from the fusebox and fit the powerlead fuse in it's place. Then refit the 5amp fuse I just removed into the "piggy back" fuse holder.
Job done
Should have took some photos but I can always do that later and edit this post