Well Lee, you have to have at least 1 rear fog light on the offside of the car for the M.O.T., and to be honest this is what started this off. Cars started having only one reversing light on the n/s and one rear fog on the o/s and I never liked the "look". I recently joined the Z4 forum and found that the brake light circuit could be connected to the other side of the rear position (side) light to make a full ring stop light, logic told me that you could then use this to facilitate 2 rear fog lights and there fore a light unit from a LHD car would give you 2 x rear fog lights and 2x reversing lights. I just like my car to be different, an individual, it's my hobby. Most on Z4 forum went the other way and had 2 red lights which defeats the object for me in that I like to see two reversing lights.