The only thing I'd change then is the timing coming off the amber to green. Wheel spin is your enemy and costs precious time. Yes even with the dreaded valved line I shift that quick but if you're afraid of the 2-3 shift just let off for a second, if that long, the throttle! Remember it's the car that crosses first wins so the quicker you shift the less power you drop by backing off the throttle. Ideally you only want to see a couple hundred RPM's drop on any shift and work to cut that to as close to no drop as possible and you'll be successful! On your 2-3 shift literally bang the lever into third don't waste time zig zagging it into third. It takes practice and more practice but it's coordinating leg, feet, arm, hand that gets you to the winners box. My sister, RIP Barb, was the only person that could make a 2-3 shift nearly as quick as me back in the day and she used to street race for $$ on Friday nights and make a bundle. Good luck and don't be afraid to experiment with launching RPM's just don't spin those tires, it's costly time and moneywise!! JIM